Community · Leadership Development · Leadership Training

SPARKed to Lead

The Spark Series was a 3 day leadership program that allowed students to find their leadership styles, build on their strengths, and improve their weaknesses. We were split up into groups of 7-8 and had a facilitator to lead us through the three sessions and guide us to become better versions of ourselves. Just like Leadership Safari, your facilitator and group really makes or breaks your Spark experience. Luckily, I happened to get the BEST facilitator who is now another one of my best friends and I feel so lucky to be able to go to her when I need anything at all! Continue reading “SPARKed to Lead”

Leadership Development · Leadership Education

2017 Leadership Symposium

“At the end of the day, we graduate leaders” -President Ross

On Friday, October 20th, 1017 the Cross Campus Leadership Initiative put on a showcase of Central Michigan University’s largest and most outstanding accomplishments in the past 125 years. This symposium did an amazing job of highlighting the importance of the continuously expanding leadership institute and various other achievements that have taken place on Central’s campus. Continue reading “2017 Leadership Symposium”